Two new species of peeping frogs from the mountains of Guerrero
A bilingual guide to the herpetofauna of the state of Colima
A new species of turtle from western Mexico
A new frog species from the mountains of Guerrero
The Bothriechis rowleyi story
Relaxation and some island endemic herpetofauna.
A look at North America's rarest pitviper, Ophryacus sphenophrys, reveals the new neurotoxin: Sphenotoxin
A second live specimen of Webb's Mountain Kingsnake (Lampropeltis webbi)
A search for Matuda's Arboreal Alligator Lizard (Abronia matudai) and pitvipers
A search for some of Sonora's reptilian gems
A swing, a miss, and some beautiful kingsnakes in Baja California
We're pleased to introduce several new species of the subgenus Syrrhophus from western México
A trip to the south yields a new species of Gerrhonotus and some of México's rarest pitvipers.
Kicking off 2018 with treefrogs and arboreal pitvipers in southern México
How sleuthing herpetologists solved the mystery of Ditmars' Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma ditmarsi)